Monster is a short stop motion animated sketch, which reflects on the unconscious human desire to control nature. The maker is fighting with his own creature, only to be absorbed by his own creation.
I have been always fascinated by books, but I rarely read them. I like how they look, how they feel and the structure of the letter forms they contain. While visiting Berlin’s flea market, I came across a book stand and fell in love with one of its book, despite my lack of understanding of the German language. I decided to buy it and use it for my project as a sketchbook to serve me as a starting point for inventing a new story. Evoked by merely the graphical content of it, I decided to redraw literally the story in to it. I drew and cut outs pieces of the book’s pages to transformed the book into an art form. Although I set to myself a rule not to getting affected by the meanings of the words in the book, I could not help searching for glimpse of internationally familiar words. This probably ended somehow affected the choice of images I decided to draw but also proved how the curiosity and influence of knowledge plays with our minds. When I completed my work I did not feel completely satisfied with the outcome, and craved a more linear closure to that new story; I then started to experiment with the book further by creating a stop motion animation film, using the pages and cut outs I created. The experience of transforming one story to another left me with this thought. The most satisfying for me was the imagination the book evokes in me, the creativity which followed, and the discovery of the new life the book had through my project.